The Definition of Wealth is in the Eyes of the Beholder. What's Your Definition of Wealth?In order to become wealthy you must first define what true wealth is. The word wealth can mean different things to different people:
The Merriam Webster Dictionary (New Edition): 1: Abundance of possessions or resources: Affluence, Riches 2: Abundant supply: 3: All property that has a money or exchange value: All objects or resources that have an economic value syn fortune, property, substance, worth. Robert Kiyosaki: "The number of days you can survive without physically working and still maintain your chosen standard of living." Jon Bender: In his book, In God We Trust, "Real wealth is living in gratitude; gratitude begins in trusting God in all things." Sir John Templeton: "Riches are about asset allocation, wealth is about gratitude." Bible: Matthew: 6:33, Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. In Ruth 2:1, Boaz, a wealthy and influential man shared his harvest with Ruth. How could he have done this if he was poor? In the Bible there are lots of references to wealth but with the warning to not have a "LOVE" of money.
"If God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and we are His children, these too are part of our inheritance" We believe wealth is much more than just making a lot of money. A brief perspective on wealth from the eyes of . . .
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